Born on a play ground, feel the dreams
We grow our flowers in the streets
From the backyards to the schoolyards
We run, we run
We were rebels, wild and brave
On a blank canvas, we escape
Never knowing where we're going
We run, we run
Kids these days die way too young
Their souls dry out from the burning sun
But we will never grow up
We'll never grow up, up, up, up
- Frenship
Mongolia would prove to be another great classroom. So often we are caught up in who we are, we forget that there are others out there, others that represent what we need. We become too comfortable and stop learning, thinking that our way is the only way. If you are stuck in this pattern, then seek out these others. They are there to help. Feel uncomfortable, feel unbalanced, it’s the only way to grow. And if that does not work, then drink some milk tea and spend a few days banging your head on a Ger. It’s a great way to reboot.
"Free yourself and see the world"